title="Tilford Parish Council in Surrey">

Waverley Borough Council

News release dated 1st September 2014

Food Waste Caddy Liners For Sale At Waverley Council Offices

From this week Waverley will be selling eight litre, fully compostable and biodegradable food waste caddy liners for just £1.50 for 25 bags at four locations across Waverley.

The liners are to be sold at Waverley Council’s offices in the The Burys, Godalming, Godalming Library, Bridge Street, Godalming, Cranleigh Library, High Street, Cranleigh, the Farnham Locality Office, South Street, Farnham and Haslemere Town Hall.

Last year, a survey revealed that 35% of Waverley residents were still choosing to dispose of their food waste in ways other than using the food waste recycling caddy. The survey also showed that one of the barriers preventing residents using the food waste recycling service was the cost of food waste caddy liners in the supermarkets.

Cllr Donal O’Neill Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services said, “Waste food is heavy and has a significant impact on the environment if not managed appropriately. We want to encourage as many residents as possible to use our weekly food waste collection service and we hope that making food waste caddy liners available at nearly £1 less per roll than the average price charged elsewhere will encourage more residents to recycle their food waste.”

To find out what you can and cannot recycle in your food waste caddy please visit www.waverley.gov.uk/foodwaste or call 01483 523524.

For further information contact:

Tel: 01483 523344 or 523296

Web : www.waverley.gov.uk

Email: communications@waverley.gov.uk


Press release dated 26th August 2014

Waverley Voters Urged To Complete New Electoral Registration

Waverley residents who wish to be on the electoral roll are being urged to complete the new online system of Individual Electoral Registration if they received notification that they need to update their details online to stay registered.

Four weeks ago every Waverley resident eligible to vote should have received a letter informing them of the change to the electoral registration system – a move from the old ‘head of household’ system to Individual Electoral Registration.

Anyone who received a letter telling them they were not transferred to the new system needs to visit www.gov.uk/register-to-vote to register online to vote.

The majority of Waverley residents received a letter from the elections team telling them that they have automatically moved onto the new registration system. Those people do not need to do anything.

However, some residents were told that they need to update their details online to stay registered. It’s important that they do this now.  It can be done at www.gov.uk/register-to-vote.

This is the first time that people can register to vote online and it’s quick and simple. Whether this is your first time registering to vote or if you have moved house, you can register online in the same way.

If you did not receive a letter please contact the Waverley Borough Council Elections team at electoral.services@waverley.gov.uk or on 01483 523116.



News release dated 10th June 2014

Take Up Of Garden Waste Services Doubles

The new service is great value for money and the number of subscribers has already doubled.  With twice the amount of garden waste being recycled into compost the scheme is reducing pressure on landfill and making a positive contribution to the environment.

For only £40.00 per year, plus a one off £10.00 initial charge for a new 240 litre brown bin, Waverley Borough Council will collect your grass and hedge cuttings, weeds, small branches, leaves and prunings.

Councillor Donal O'Neill, who leads on Environmental Services said, “I am very pleased that the scheme is proving to be so successful and that so many residents are so committed to recycling and composting in Waverley. The more residents that join the scheme – the better it is for the local environment”.

Garden waste roadshows

Saturday 28th June          Cranleigh Fun Day, 10 am-5pm

Sunday 29th June             Farnham Picnic in the Park, 11-5.30pm

Sunday 6th July Haslemere  Fringe Festival,, GU27 1LL (across from Co-op) 9-5pm

More Information

Look up ‘new garden waste service’  on www.waverley.gov.uk

Or contact the Environmental Services Team on 01483 523524.